Not a Container | Studio I Project II
Do you know the argument; does form follow function or function follow form? I believe that people fill the container of whatever space they are in, like water. Function follows form. What happens when there is no container? In nature, water has its own behavior creating rivers, tributaries, and deltas. What happens with people when you put them in a space with no rules or guidelines on what to do in that space?
The philosopher for this project focuses on behavioral studies so I have filled this building with multiple experimental spaces so people can have their own behavior.
The overall space vs void of the design is created to mimic the natural movement of water over time, cutting away at a surface.
The concrete facade of the building has lines cut out that are reminiscent of the outlines of rivers as a nod to the river that passes through Greenville, SC, the home of the site. The spaces in the facade invite light to enter the space, constantly changing with the angle of the sun, giving the light a behavior of its own.