Where does knowledge come from?
Let’s say that Mother Earth created everything that exists. Well, she had to have created knowledge because knowledge had to be created for us to interact with it. I believe that everything that there is to know (ever) as in all of the knowledge that anyone will ever know has already been known (created) by Mother Earth. Then she feeds it to us in small pieces and it is our responsibility to take the bite-size thought and run with it.
There are an infinite number of things to think about it so why are we thinking about this (this as in literally anything in our brains)? I believe that every time a thought comes into our heads it is our creator encouraging us to explore that thought and gain more from the tree of knowledge.
Think about the first people who made a boat. I had to imagine two people standing next to a river after a storm and noticing that a tree had fallen and is now being washed down by the flooding current. The water is so strong, so powerful, and so fast, why is this tree sitting on top of the water? I specifically imagine in their heads their inner voice saying “wow do you notice how that large object that is the most steady natural thing to exist is FLOATING?? Why do you think that is? What do you think you could do with this information?”
I do not know about you but me and my inner voice have conversations all day long so this seems very plausible to me.
I imagine all of knowledge is an imaginary cloud and we slowly get little pieces dropped down to us or we pull from it depending on how inquisitive we are.
It is also our responsibility to follow these questions in our heads and again, it’s important to ask, “why am I thinking this right now?” What I feel is that God (Mother Earth / the Creator) wants us to follow that thought for our own path in life and for the possibility that it will make other people’s lives better.
If we do not follow these thoughts in our heads, why are we alive? What is the purpose? I find that these thoughts and questions lead me to some of the most beautiful experiences / opportunities / people in my life.
Elizabeth Gilbert wrote about this phenomenon from a different perspective than what I had originally thought of in her book Big Magic. She talked about this idea of Magic and how all humans are hosts for ideas to materialize. That an idea can not be anything physical without us and if we do not accept our relationship with these ideas then they will find a new host.
I have yet to run into someone with the same thought process as me about .. thoughts. I actually spent a couple of months just asking people, “where does knowledge come from?” to get into these arguments with people. How can you understand what you think without having to defend your perspective to another person, am I right?
One of my friends who has a Master in Divinity had a particularly interesting conversation with me about this topic. When asking her where knowledge comes from, she had almost a completely different perspective than me. She believes that God / the Creator created us to be an independent society, therefore we discover knowledge on our own. I believe thoughts had to start from somewhere and I think everything that is to be created has already been created and we are living our lives based on what knowledge and ideas we are blessed with.
I listen to everything my inner voice has to say because I believe that it is the creator guiding me in my life, helping me help others and myself by guiding me to have a happy life.
A tangent brought to you by the Allegory of the Cave.
August 25, 2022